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varaignes, château, marché des producteurs


In Varaignes

The castle of Varaignes: Varaignes has kept the medieval structure of the village ordered around its castle.

The Atelier-Musée des Tisserands et de la Charentaise slippers de Varaignes: Located in the Château de Varaignes, traces the history of textile activity in Périgord-Limousin, the cradle of the Charentaise. It also exhibits contemporary textile creations. Activities at the Workshop-Museum: Pentecost Weavers market, and in season, the Thursday visit.

Le Lud'Eau: Interpretation trail of Lud'eaux vive: located in Varaignes, near the Hook, a small stream It is a lively presentation of the history of hydraulics in Périgord-Limousin: forges, mills, sawmills , spinning and textile mills, turbine and electricity, wind turbine, environment and geology. Textile and dye plants on the discovery trail of Lud'Eaux Vive.

La Halle: The Hall which has been rebuilt, but which has partially preserved its former appearance.

The banal mill and the banal oven, partly visible

Les pigeonniers: Discover Les pigeonniers during the Tour du Village, this course is available at the tourist information office.

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